About / Governance
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Goals and values

Ethical code

The Ethical Code formulates the general principles (transparency and fairness) inspiring the conduct of business.
It indicates the objectives and the values informing business activity in relation to the main stakeholders with which Stipa S.p.A. interacts on a daily basis: the shareholders, the financial market, customers and staff.

Organisational Model “231”

The Organisation and Management Model is a document that forms part of the supervisory infrastructure required under Legislative Decree 231/2001, approved and made by Stipa S.p.A.

The Model – providing it is adequately monitored – exempts the legal entity from liability and also provides an indispensable guide for all employees and collaborators. It sets out clear codes of conduct, control schemes and measures to prevent crimes and corrupt practices as far as possible.

Name of monocratic ODV member: Lucia Zazzetta.

Environmental policy integration (EPI), quality, safety at work and sustainability

Quality, environment, and safety at work are top priorities at Stipa SpA Customers satisfaction, safeguard of the environment, health and safety of the working staff have been part of the internal management since the beginning in 1967.

The General Management of Stipa SpA engages in implementing the Environmental policy integration (EPI) as a long term and continuous process, ensuring that policy goals continue to be respected through scheduled audit cycles. 


In accordance with the provisions of the Whistleblowing Decree, Legislative Decree no. 24/2023 and the ANAC Guidelines referred to resolution no. 311/2023, Stipa S.p.A. has activated the following internal reporting channel which, through a specific platform adopted by the company, allows the electronic submission of written reports and guarantees - also through encryption tools - the confidentiality of the identity of the Whistleblower, of the Person Involved as well as the content of the Report and the related documentation.

The platform is accessible via the following link https://stipa.segnalazioni.online

As required by law, it is permitted to make Anonymous Whistleblowing Reports. 

Recipient of the internal reporting channel 

The Company has identified Stipa Spa as the Recipient of ODV Reports